Portfolio Partner Profile

Banco Ficohsa

Banco Ficohsa Honduras is the largest subsidiary of Grupo Financiero Ficohsa, aleading financial group operating in Central America, and the largest bank in Honduras. Banco Ficohsa’s lending strategy focuses on financing agroindustry players in the sugarcane, coffee, shrimp, and tilapia value chains, and to a lesser extent on smaller vegetable and staple grains producers.

The use of funds is exclusively earmarked to provide credit to companies holding a sustainability standard in the coffee, aquaculture, vegetables, sugarcane and food-processing value chains. A higher share of certified production has a positive impact in terms of the sustainable use of natural resources, equitable working conditions and biodiversity conservation throughout the production process.

The expected impacts include: i) reduced use of agrochemicals; ii) an improved management of liquid waste; iii) improved socio-economic condition throughout the value-chain; iv) CO2 stored by agroforestry activities; v) fair jobs created/supported; and vi) farmland under sustainable management.

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Sectors and Topics:

Environmental Sustainability
Sustainable Agriculture


Central America & Caribbean



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