Portfolio Partner Profile
Imperative Fund
The Imperative Fund aims to lift entire communities in Mexico out of poverty by delivering essential goods and services including affordable housing, clean water, and access to energy. The fund also supports their clients by integrating them into the financial system with the idea that by moving into a neighborhood built by the fund, a family can be liberated from the main environmental factors that previously trapped them in poverty. The families served do not have proof of income or credit history but are brought into the financial system when they join Imperative’s program by opening a bank account and taking out a 5-year loan to purchase homes and properties. By working with the Imperative Fund, clients have the opportunity to acquire their own property, build a credit history, and net worth over a 5-year timeframe, all of which are Imperative’s primary objectives for their clients.
To help families overcome material poverty, Imperative Fund identifies vulnerable communities that lack access to essential goods and services with limited household income. They then work with the local governmental and social housing developer to construct a new neighborhood of affordable single-family homes with access to municipal water, sewage, and electricity. Once basic needs are met, the Imperative Fund facilitates the supply of other critical services including internet access and waste collection. From there, families can purchase the homes with a federal subsidy and low-cost financing from the fund. Through this process, a typical family is able to transition from a substandard, single-room dwelling to a structurally-sound, two-bedroom home with access to municipal utilities. To date, the Imperative Fund has worked with over 800 families with over 60% of their client base being single women head-of-household.
The Imperative Fund is managed by Imperative Advisors LLC, a New York-based firm founded in 2015. While the Fund currently only operates in Mexico, its long-term goal is to replicate its model in other countries.
Featured Impact Story

Impact Story
Creating Communities in Emiliano Zapata, Mexico
Emiliano Zapata, Mexico is located in the state of Morelos where the Imperative Fund is working to construct two-bedroom homes and provide essential goods and services including affordable housing, clean water, and access to energy for families in the community. The fund works to bring the families into the financial system by helping them to open a bank account and take out a 5-year loan to purchase their home with the idea that by moving into a neighborhood built by the fund, a family can be liberated from the main environmental factors that trapped them in poverty.
Photo credit: Echale a tu Casa