Portfolio Partner Profile
responsAbility Micro and SME Finance Debt Fund
responsAbility Investments AG is an asset manager in the field of development investments and offers professionally-managed investment solutions to private, institutional and public investors. The Micro and SME Finance Debt Fund focuses on private debt investments in the financial sector in emerging markets in order to deliver steady returns. With 1.7 billion adults and millions of small businesses still underbanked today, the deepening of the financial sector in emerging markets provides attractive growth financing opportunities, boosted by regulatory evolution, technology and mobile solutions. The fund is therefore uniquely positioned to provide investors with market returns as well as, through promoting financial inclusion, strong impact achievements linked to the SDGs.
Featured Impact Story

Impact Story
Banco Mundo Mujer: Pioneering change in Colombian communities
One of responsAbility Micro and SME Finance Debt Fund’s borrowers, Banco Mundo Mujer (BMM), was founded in 1985 by Leonor Melo de Velasco in response to her community’s needs after the earthquake in Popayán, a historic city in southwestern Colombia. BMM has since evolved into a prominent microfinance institution focused on alleviating poverty, supporting gender equity, and promoting economic growth.
BMM's primary focus is to provide access to financial services for women and rural communities, two segments often overlooked by traditional financial institutions. This approach empowers female entrepreneurs, such as Sandra Castro, a mother and head of her family, who has been a client of BMM for over 23 years. Sandra started a jeans business with her first loan, and later established her bakery, “El Joe,” now a staple in Popayán. With over 12 years of tradition, her bakery exemplifies the entrepreneurial spirit fostered by BMM. With the income from her business, she was able to educate her two children. Sandra described how BMM has influenced her life, “the bank was the first to support me when I started my business. Thanks to BMM, I paid for my son’s university education. He is about to graduate as a public accountant. I thank them for giving me a hand as a woman and head of the household. I didn’t have a house to back a loan, and they trusted me just by seeing my effort and my work.” Sanda also highlighted the speed and ease with which she can access the entity’s loans in order to continue her work.