Team Profile
Caitlin leads Calvert Impact's impact measurement and management (IMM) efforts, including managing how they define and measure impact and report to internal and external audiences. As part of this work, she co-led the development of Calvert Impact’s IMM strategy to focus on three key stakeholder groups: their investors, their borrowers, and the communities in which their borrowers work. Caitlin leads Calvert Impact’s engagement with various industry groups, including the GIIN’s IRIS+ workstreams, the Impact Principles, and the Impact Frontiers Collaboration. She also supports Calvert Impact’s thought leadership and growth goals and contributes to strategy, communications, and marketing efforts. Caitlin brings a dynamic experience of working in both the public and nonprofit sectors in a variety of roles.
Caitlin joined Calvert Impact in 2015 after completing a Master’s degree in Social Enterprise, where she also consulted for various nonprofits both in the US and abroad and gained extensive experience in project management, monitoring & evaluation, and implementing tools to assist organizations in better fulfilling their missions. Previously, Caitlin served in several budget and financial management roles at the US Department of Justice. Her years in public service helped her to understand the importance of linking outcomes to programmatic activities and communicating results. Caitlin brings an outcomes-oriented mindset, thinking strategically about how a project’s activities are creating positive, measurable outcomes.
Caitlin holds a BS in Business and a MA in Social Enterprise from American University. Learn more about Caitlin's career journey.