News & Resources
We are dedicated to sharing our knowledge and expertise to help grow a robust impact investing industry.
All of our news and resources can be found below. Use the drop down menus to search by topic, sector, or content type.
Strategic Updates
This survey is a part of our ongoing mission to better serve our investors by ensuring we understand their needs and interests.
Financial Advisors
Download the Q4 2024 Community Investment Note® Report.
02/14/25 | By Justin Conway
A look back at Calvert Impact's work in 2024.
12/20/24 | By Jennifer Pryce
Impact Management
Aeon is an affordable housing developer and manager that operates primarily in the Twin Cities of Minnesota.
12/06/24 | By Annette Vogel
Our Q3 2024 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
11/15/24 | By Justin Conway
Calvert Impact's 2024 impact report, including new impact data, stories, and photos from their Community Investment Note portfolio.
Our Q2 2024 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
08/15/24 | By Justin Conway
Calvert Impact affirms alignment our with Impact Principles and received Advanced ratings in independent verification
06/12/24 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our Q1 2024 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
05/15/24 | By Justin Conway
Borrower Spotlight
Calvert Impact and the Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) have worked together for over 20 years. Most recently, we’ve continued to support LIIF through the Keeping Homes Affordable facility.
04/23/24 | By Annette Vogel
The Climate United Coalition Will Manage $6.97B from the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
Calvert Impact, Inc. announced the appointment of two new experienced financial professionals, Eliza Pepper and Georgina Baker, to its board of directors.
Our Q4 2023 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
02/15/24 | By Justin Conway
After sharing our 2023-2025 Strategic Plan in January, Calvert Impact executed on its strategy to bring new products to market to increase connectivity between the capital markets and communities.
12/21/23 | By Jennifer Pryce
Industry Landscape
The Future of the Small Business Finance Industry Calvert Impact’s new report, Small Business Community Finance: Scaling with Integrity
Calvert Impact and Partner Community Capital (PCAP) have a longstanding relationship that spans over two decades. After making our first loan to PCAP in 2007 – only $25,000 – we have seen them grow
12/13/23 | By Annette Vogel
Jennifer Pryce invited to join other climate leaders presenting at COP28 UAE climate summit in Dubai
The New Jersey program is firm’s third under State Small Business Credit Initiative
The Fund, anchored by leading investors committed to building better communities, will support banks addressing the racial wealth and income gap
Our Q3 2023 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
11/15/23 | By Justin Conway
Lisa Winslow brings over two decades of traditional banking experience to board
Report shows cumulative impact of Community Investment Note® and new products
Our 2023 Impact Report features the impact we and our portfolio partners have had on markets, the environment, and communities around the world throughout 2022 and 2023.
11/06/23 | By Caitlin Rosser
The green bond drives decarbonization of buildings and expands the number of investors contributing to the clean energy transition.
Impact Investing: A Short Guide for Financial Advisors
10/17/23 | By Patricia Redsicker
Climate United today announced the submission of its proposal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Clean Investment Fund award competition, part of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.
In 2016, Calvert Impact provided financing to Eureka Recycling, a zero-waste nonprofit based in Minneapolis, Minnesota dedicated to demonstrating that waste is preventable – not inevitable.
09/20/23 | By Caitlin Rosser
Calvert Impact, Ascendus, and NDC share the co-created Theory of Change for the Small Business finance sector and how they have tested and implemented this theory of change in their own work.
Our Q2 2023 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
08/15/23 | By Justin Conway
The Fund supports biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, and climate change mitigation and adaptation in Latin America, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa.
07/21/23 | By Annette Vogel
Comprehensive report that highlights our shared work through the Recovery Funds that lent to small businesses throughout the pandemic, our lessons learned, and our call to action for the future.
COVID-19 Response
60 Decibels, Calvert Impact, Community Reinvestment Fund, USA, and LISC share insights from new research on the small business recovery programs launched in response to the pandemic.
05/17/23 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our Q1 2023 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
05/15/23 | By Justin Conway
Racial Equity
Calvert Impact reflects on our long-standing history of supporting small businesses during Small Business Week 2023
Landmark Transactions
60 Decibels partnered with CRF USA and Calvert Impact to understand the impact of the Southern Opportunity and Resilience (SOAR) Fund on small businesses in 16 partner states.
Calvert Impact staff visit two portfolio partners in Puerto Rico to learn about impact on the ground
03/28/23 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our Q4 2022 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
02/15/23 | By Justin Conway
A history of Calvert Impact's support for small business lending and how our strategy has evolved over time
01/11/23 | By Annette Vogel
With a new strategy, an updated name, and many milestones achieved, 2022 was an exciting and productive year for Calvert Impact.
Community Housing Capital (CHC) is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) with a mission to finance the creation and preservation of affordable housing across the United States.
11/30/22 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our Q3 2022 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our Community Investment Note portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
11/15/22 | By Justin Conway
Our 2022 Impact Report features the impact we and our portfolio partners have had on markets, the environment, and communities around the world throughout 2021 and 2022.
11/03/22 | By Caitlin Rosser
Faith and Investing
Faith-based asset owners are leading the way, not only for their peers, but also for secular values-based investors; demanding investment products and services to address urgent challenges.
11/01/22 | By Amanda Joseph
In 1997, in our second year of lending operations, Calvert Impact made a $150,000 loan to New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, a community lender that transforms New Hampshire communities.
10/26/22 | By Caitlin Rosser
How does the clean power, financial savings, and job creation provided by solar energy benefit our under-served communities? Impact Analyst Annette Vogel visits our partner Sunwealth to find out.
10/25/22 | By Annette Vogel
60 Decibels partnered with CRF USA, Calvert Impact, and Kiva to understand the impact of the California Rebuilding Fund on small businesses.
We have long rejected and disproved the notion that impact and financial returns are at odds. With our 2023-2025 strategy we plan to prove that there is no trade-off between integrity and scale.
10/14/22 | By Jennifer Pryce
Our rates are determined by the financing needs of our portfolio partners, not the broader market forces that make headlines. Today, we are raising our rates to reflect changes led by our partners.
10/01/22 | By Justin Conway
Investment Analyst Helen Zhang visits Yuba and Sierra Counties in California and meets with the team behind the project in the heart of the forest where our capital is hard at work.
09/30/22 | By Helen Zhang
Our Q2 2022 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
08/12/22 | By Justin Conway
The results of our 2022 investor survey are in! Every two years, we conduct a survey to better understand both our current investor base as well as the broader impact investing community.
07/27/22 | By Josh Bay
The USSIF conference featured impact investors like Calvert Impact Capital as well as asset managers, institutional asset owners, data providers, financial advisors, and other practitioners.
06/22/22 | By Anna Mabrey
Impact investors were critical to Seawall’s growth, helping them build their track record, and create positive outcomes for the Remington Row community in Baltimore, MD.
06/21/22 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our President & CEO Jenn Pryce spoke on the different ways we add value to our portfolio partners and contribute to optimizing their impact performance.
05/26/22 | By Jennifer Pryce
Our rates are determined by the financing needs of our portfolio partners and today, Calvert Impact Capital is raising rates on the Community Investment Note
05/16/22 | By Justin Conway
Our Q1 2022 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
05/13/22 | By Justin Conway
There’s newfound awareness of the importance of both attracting the right people and instituting the right policies – and of the strong interplay between the two.
05/11/22 | By Dina Curtis
Calvert Impact Capital is a founding Signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management (the Principles), a framework adopted by over 150 leading global impact investors to-date
04/29/22 | By Caitlin Rosser
We're offsetting the carbon emissions of our new offices and commuting staff by partnering with 8 Billion Trees, a small business that runs large-scale planting operations in the Amazon rainforest.
In September 2016, the District of Columbia’s water municipality – DC Water – issued the nation’s first Environmental Impact Bond (EIB).
04/22/22 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our borrower, PACE Equity, is the market leader in C-PACE financing, a program designed to encourage developers to make their buildings greener by providing a source of inexpensive private capital.
04/11/22 | By Lucas Pappas
60 Decibels, Calvert Impact Capital and Community Reinvestment Fund, USA share insights from new research on the small business recovery programs launched in response to the pandemic.
Calvert Impact Capital, CRF USA and USC partnered with 60 Decibels to understand the impact of the New York Forward Loan Fund on small businesses.
Calvert Impact Capital's Investor Relations and Impact Management staff hosted a webinar to review highlights from our 2021 Impact Report
03/03/22 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our Q4 2021 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
02/15/22 | By Justin Conway
After the murder of George Floyd, lenders pledged to help communities of colour. But many are still struggling to get cheaper loans
Get to Know our Staff
As their internships end, our summer interns discuss their work at Calvert Impact Capital and their impressions of the broader impact investing industry through the lens of their main projects.
11/30/21 | By Mary Hayford & Angelie Miranda
Calvert Impact Capital is excited to share our new publication: "An Impact Measurement & Management Primer for Faith Investors"
11/23/21 | By Amanda Joseph
Our 2021 Impact Report features the impact we and our borrowers have had on the environment and communities around the world throughout 2020 and 2021.
11/18/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our Q3 2021 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
11/12/21 | By Justin Conway
As more investors seek to direct capital toward racial equity, here’s a starter list to help.
In 2015, DC Water proposed using parks, plants, and permeable pavements strategically distributed to absorb some stormwater runoff and prevent overflow. This municipal bond funded the idea.
Lendable Inc., a leading emerging market fintech credit provider, is targeting a ground-breaking $100 million closed-ended fund focused on emerging and frontier market fintech investments.
President & CEO Jenn Pryce spoke at Phenix Capital's Digital Impact Symposium about how a consistent impact management framework can improve portfolio management decision-making.
09/23/21 | By Jennifer Pryce
Everyday investors, as well as large asset managers and institutions, are flocking to ESG and impact investing. As many as 95% of millennials are interested in investing sustainably.
Our borrower, the Fund, is leading the way in helping Ecuadorian shrimp producers implement practices that protect the environment
09/07/21 | By Christian Choconta
Rain gardens and other green infrastructure in D.C. have helped keep the city's rivers clean.
Our ongoing Faith Investor Profiles series showcases impact investing journeys, gleans insights from leaders across faith communities, and inspires other faith investors to engage in impact investing.
09/01/21 | By Amanda Joseph
In 2003, Calvert Impact Capital made its first loan of $200,000 to Equal Exchange, a pioneering Fair Trade cooperative that partners with small-farmer coops and institutions in over 20 countries.
08/31/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
Our Q2 2021 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
08/13/21 | By Justin Conway
Faith institutions, and their leaders, are among the true pioneers of impact investing.
08/11/21 | By Amanda Joseph
The guide includes steps for those seeking to incorporate impact investments into a faith institution’s portfolio, including how to establish an Impact Strategy and incorporate into portfolio policies
07/28/21 | By Amanda Joseph
New board members of Calvert Impact Capital
Calvert Impact Capital's directors will provide expertise in marketing, international development finance, corporate finance and legal structuring.
Calvert Impact Capital is proud to announce the Small Business Flex Fund, aimed at helping Washington state small businesses recover and grow as communities across the state reopen for business.
Calvert Impact Capital made our first loan to Oikocredit, a social impact investor and worldwide cooperative, in 1999.
07/15/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
Katie Johns, Jenn Pryce, and Eric Letsinger discuss the environmental impact bond that DC Water used to fund green infrastructure and a green jobs program.
When the PPP loan was announced by Congress, many businesses found themselves shut out of the process due to a lack of information and access to the program through traditional financial institutions
07/06/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
Published in July 2021, this document features how Calvert Impact Capital, a non-profit investment firm, uses IRIS+ to support its impact measurement and management practice.
07/01/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
Webinar: Oxford Social Finance Programme - Build Back Better through Blended Capital
We are pleased to announce that our CEO Jenn Pryce has been elected to the Advisory Board of the Operating Principles for Impact Management for a second term
06/28/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
During the pandemic, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) stepped up to deliver desperately needed relief to hard-to-reach small business owners
EPA hosted two webinars on April 29, 2021 and May 6, 2021 to discuss the recently published technical report on the first Forest Resilience Bond
Gayle Peterson, Social Finance Programme Director and Jenn Pryce, President Calvert Impact Capital, presented an "Ask the Experts" webinar on Blended Finance
The combined health, economic, and social justice crises triggered by the coronavirus pandemic created a surge of awareness in the U.S. around the need to invest in underserved communities.
Bay Area Impact: Investing in Small Business with the California Rebuilding Fund featured Bay Area Council Economic Institute Senior Director Sean Randolph speaking with Laura Tyson
If you are fortunate enough to be an investor, you have the means to contribute to change by applying a racial equity lens to your investments. Here are some thoughts on how to do it.
Clean energy investment firm Sunwealth today announced a $2.9 million loan from Calvert Impact Capital to support Sunwealth’s solar access work.
Our Q1 2021 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
05/14/21 | By Justin Conway
JP Nicols hosts Beth Bafford, an architect of the new SOAR Fund, to discuss the multi-million dollar fund aimed at helping small businesses and nonprofits across the South.
When we look beyond the socially constructed and restrictive barriers of race, class, faith, and gender, we may at first see the stranger, then we recognize our neighbor, and verily, ourselves.
05/06/21 | By Amanda Joseph
Azure Source Capital (ASC) mobilizes capital and technical expertise to upgrade and expand water services for under-served urban and peri-urban communities of El Salvador.
05/04/21 | By Leigh Pomerantz
More financial relief is on the way for small business owners and non-profits. News 4’s Danielle Jackson explains where the money comes from and how it could help local businesses.
We're conducting a series of interviews with our staff, borrowers, and investors.
04/28/21 | By Anastasia Pechler
President & CEO Jenn Pryce spoke to IFC Insights about the two years since the launch of the Impact Principles and her belief that all investments in the future will have an impact investing lens.
04/14/21 | By Jennifer Pryce
The SOAR Fund will focus on the south. They want to make sure the Black, Hispanic and Native American communities in the south are getting the help they need for their businesses.
Calvert Impact Capital is a founding Signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management (the Principles), a framework adopted by over 120 leading global impact investors to-date
04/08/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
In December 2016, Calvert Impact Capital made a loan to MyStrongHome, an innovative new social enterprise working to fortify coastal communities against climate change impacts.
04/06/21 | By Caitlin Rosser
In 2006, Calvert Impact Capital made its first loan to MCE Social Capital (MCE), that works to generate economic opportunities for women and families in underserved communities across the globe.
In August 1998, Calvert Impact Capital made a $25,000 loan to the BlueHub Loan Fund (then “Boston Community Loan Fund”), managed by BlueHub Capital.
We are beginning to see light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel as it relates to vaccine roll-out, the economy, and the hope of being able to convene with people outside our immediate household.
04/01/21 | By Justin Conway
Calvert Impact Capital is delighted to share our new publication: “Advancing Faith Values Through Impact Investing: A Short Guide for Faith Investors and their Financial Professionals.”
03/30/21 | By Amanda Joseph
Gender Equity
CIC is dedicated to providing resources investors need to incorporate gender into their investment processes to enhance portfolios and create structural change.
03/25/21 | By Leigh Moran
Most investors spend their time chasing returns. But what if there was a way to do good while also turning a profit?
Calvert Impact Capital is excited to join a network of national and local community lenders to announce the Southern Opportunity and Resilience (SOAR) Fund
More and more people are trying to align their investing and gift-giving with their personal values, and for many those values are rooted in faith
02/23/21 | By Amanda Joseph
Our Q4 2020 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
02/12/21 | By Justin Conway
Impact Principles Webinar Series, Episode 4: Principles to Practice
02/12/21 | By Jennifer Pryce
Our borrower, The Medical Credit Fund (MCF), is a non-profit health investment fund that supports private healthcare clinics and businesses in Africa.
02/08/21 | By Leigh Pomerantz
When we shared our three-year strategy last year, I wrote that “to say that we are living in extraordinary times would be an understatement.”
02/04/21 | By Jennifer Pryce
We're conducting a series of interviews with our staff, borrowers, and investors
02/03/21 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Many people still don’t know what CDFIs are or how to use them. An overview of CDFIs and some useful resources for how you can use them to align your desire for social justice with your investing.
There are many more ways to incorporate environmental, social, and governance investing into client portfolios than just mutual funds, and one of them has been around for decades.
The global pandemic, resulting economic shocks, stark displays of systemic racism and injustice, and near-daily evidence of rapidly changing climate made it clear our current systems are failing us
12/18/20 | By Leigh Moran
12/10/20 | By Anastasia Pechler
One in three small businesses is on the edge and may not survive the next three months without help. The California Rebuilding Fund will make low-interest loans to help small businesses survive.
For many of us who engage in impact investing, this verse from Deuteronomy 16:20 is a familiar one, our clarion call to pursue a path of justice and healing
11/20/20 | By Amanda Joseph
We are excited to join Gov. Gavin Newsom and other members of the California Small Enterprise (CASE) Task Force to launch the California Rebuilding Fund
Impact investments generate specific, positive and measurable environmental, social and/or good governance outcomes, oftentimes with market-rate financial returns.
Our Q3 2020 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
11/13/20 | By Justin Conway
Environmental threats to oceans around the world are prompting new approaches and deals to raise money for rescue efforts.
Calvert Impact Capital is excited to announce a further commitment to the Fund
October 2020 marks our 25th Anniversary
10/26/20 | By Caitlin Rosser
The financial system has a plumbing problem. We have an infrastructure of existing pipework, but it doesn’t reach everyone. So argues Jennifer Pryce, who heads up Calvert Impact Capital
In case you missed it, our CEO Jennifer Pryce gave the keynote presentation at India Impact Investing Week 2020, hosted by Impact Investor's Council India
10/08/20 | By Jennifer Pryce
Impact Principles Webinar Series, Episode 3: Impact Investing and Responsible Exits
Calvert Impact Capital hosted a webinar with former Board member Ira Liberman to celebrate the publication of his new book, The Future of Microfinance
10/01/20 | By Leigh Moran
Calvert Impact Capital announced today that its Community Investment Note® balance has exceeded $500 million for the first time as its work to support global, under-resourced communities
Our 2020 Impact Report commemorates our 25th anniversary and features the impact we and our borrowers have had on the environment and communities around the world throughout 2019 and 2020.
10/01/20 | By Caitlin Rosser
Every two years, we conduct an investor survey to better understand the motivations of our investor base, the challenges they face in investing for impact, and how we can serve them better
09/15/20 | By Caitlin Rosser
Calvert Impact Capital is thrilled to be named Asset Manager of the Year (Mid-Sized) by Environmental Finance’s Inaugural IMPACT 2020 Awards
The pandemic has accelerated and amplified the flaws in our financial system, one that is built from the top-down to serve the few, not the many
In the face of climate change, catastrophic wildfires increasingly blaze across the country, threatening forests, communities, and livelihoods
09/02/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Our borrower, MCE Social Capital (MCE), is a nonprofit impact investing firm that aims to generate economic opportunities for women and families living in poverty in the developing world
08/31/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Our Q2 2020 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
08/14/20 | By Justin Conway
The pandemic and other recent events that point to racial injustice have made many investors think about how they can make a difference with their pocketbooks
The NY Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF) has lent more than $3.1 million to support 77 businesses and residential landlords across NY state with COVID-19 related costs and expenses as of today
Calvert Impact Capital is dedicated to making impact investing accessible and easy for a diverse range of investors and to that end, we always seek to improve upon our investor experience
08/05/20 | By Justin Conway
Calvert Impact Capital Faith-Based Investor Program Overview
Caitlin Rosser walks through a case study of how Calvert Impact Capital applies Principle 4 of the Operating Principles for Impact Management
07/17/20 | By Caitlin Rosser
Since the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police, many organizations and individuals across the globe have raised their voices
06/17/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
06/03/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Our nation faces a viral pandemic, which began months ago, and the pandemic of systemic and institutional racism, which is embedded in our country’s founding
06/03/20 | By Jennifer Pryce
Supporting microentrepreneurs and small businesses, those that form the foundation of economies around the world, is now more important as ever.
05/29/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Calvert Impact Capital is proud to serve as lead arranger for the NY Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF)
Our Q1 2020 quarterly report, featuring quarterly updates on our portfolio and borrowers, as well as highlights from our work throughout the quarter.
05/15/20 | By Justin Conway
Calvert Impact Capital is one of the 13 impact investing firms that make up the Impact Frontiers Collaboration
05/15/20 | By Caitlin Rosser
discuss what the new normal is for impact investing during Covid-19
Beth Bafford, Bruce Katz, Ross Baird, Michael Saadine, and Colin Higgins discuss how COVID-19 relief and recovery policy must expand from products for small businesses to strategies around the revival
The economic impact of COVID-19 has been unprecedented and is crushing community-based organizations
As communities are hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, it has highlighted the essential role that housing plays in protecting health and well-being
04/21/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
As I wrote last month, to say that we are living in extraordinary times would be an understatement. We are in the midst of a triple crisis - health, economic, and climate
04/17/20 | By Jennifer Pryce
Over the past few weeks, the COVID-19 crisis has created unprecedented levels of uncertainty and deeply shifted social and economic life as we once knew it
04/13/20 | By Justin Conway
Calvert Impact Capital's 2020-2022 strategic plan
04/01/20 | By Jennifer Pryce
We are facing a global, uncertain threat that is directly impacting individuals, families, communities, and our economy
04/01/20 | By Justin Conway
04/01/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Calvert Impact Capital is a founding Signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management
03/31/20 | By Caitlin Rosser
As the economic impact from COVID-19 unfolds, small businesses —those that underpin the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the United States— are facing extreme challenges
03/27/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
To say we are living in extraordinary times would be an understatement. The world is facing an enormous amount of uncertainty, straining families, communities, companies, and markets.
03/20/20 | By Jennifer Pryce
Our borrower, ECLOF International, is a faith-based organization founded in 1946 with a mission is to promote social justice and human dignity through microfinance
03/13/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
As March is Women’s History Month, I’ve spent some time reflecting on the power of gender lens investing to transform the lives of women.
03/10/20 | By Diego Valdivia
Impact Investing’s Next Chapter: Integrity Through Assurance
03/09/20 | By Caitlin Rosser
Wildflower is an ecosystem of decentralized Montessori micro-schools which are teacher-led and offer child-centered learning environments to support children and families from diverse backgrounds
02/25/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Interview with Jennifer Pryce - GLF Luxembourg 2019
02/05/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
In participation with lead lender and CDFI funding partner, Calvert Impact Capital provided financing that enabled Affirmed Housing Group to purchase a Motel-6 and redevelop it into “Zephyr”
01/31/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
Gayle Peterson, Programme Director of the Oxford Impact Investing Programme and Jenn Pryce, CEO of Calvert Impact Capital discuss new trends, ideas and innovations for impact investing
Grameen America is a nonprofit microfinance organization dedicated to helping women who live in poverty build small businesses to create better lives for their families
01/17/20 | By Leigh Pomerantz
01/09/20 | By Anastasia Pechler
2019 was another exciting and productive year for Calvert Impact Capital
01/08/20 | By Leigh Moran
Our faith offers us spiritual meaning a connection to community, and a responsibility for our planet and all its inhabitants
On April 12, 2019, Calvert Impact Capital, along with 60 leading global investment firms, signed the Operating Principles for Impact Management (the Principles)
04/30/19 | By Caitlin Rosser
There is a growing evidence and collective understanding that gender equity is good for investment, good for businesses, good for society.
12/05/18 | By Leigh Moran
Affordable housing was my introduction to impact investing
04/24/18 | By Catherine Godschalk
“How do you invest with a gender lens?” This is one of the most frequent questions investors ask us.
03/08/18 | By Jennifer Pryce
I am using the term microfinance intermediary to refer to both loan funds and structured funds
06/29/17 | By Songbae Lee
There are many different types of actors within the world of microfinance, from operating companies to investment companies to everything in between
04/25/17 | By Songbae Lee
This blog series will attempt to answer some of the common questions about microfinance using examples from our portfolio, but it won’t include a lot of beneficiary stories
03/14/17 | By Songbae Lee